I'm Not Sure What To Do
Doesn’t she make you smile in the midst of this uncertainty
Well, I think we all feel like this right now about so many things. I know many of us are frightened, have heightened anxiety, we are worried, we are trying to create a new normal for our families and we are navigating different ways to be close to those we love without being physically close. I know all of these things are happening to me right now. I am sure at least one or two are happening to you.
So what if, in the midst of all of this uncertainty, social distancing and the orders to stay at home, you had your wedding, shower, or other parties planned. While these events are taking a back seat to what is happening in the world, they are important to you, they are important to your family.
Hopefully most of you had a planner to help navigate the waters if your event has been cancelled. If your event is still not for several months, then you may be very confused about what to do next. Again if you have. planner, they will help with this. Know that you are not alone, everyone is experiencing the same fears, the same unknowns, the same cancellations.
I spoke with a couple the other day, and even though their wedding is several months out, I encouraged them to send the invitations with a note either tucked inside or on their website with the information that the wedding may have to be postponed, but currently is still being planned. That seems pretty straightforward but what about all of the pre-wedding events like her shower? Well nowhere, is it written that showers have to take place before the wedding. Sure it’s for the couple to “set up home” but does that mean they can’t have the shower after the wedding…absolutely not. I encourage you all to be creative and think outside the box. We are in unchartered territory, but it’s nothing we all can’t handle together.
This…right here, right now
As a population of wedding and event industry professionals, this is what we do, we solve problems, we think outside the box, we change course to make sure our clients are happy and taken care of. So, stop worrying about this right now and concentrate on family, friends, and your fellow neighbor. Together we can get through this.
Take care out there and Stay Healthy.